Monday 8 September 2008


Time is running out and I have about 3/4 months to finish everything and anything that is required of me for University.

In terms of applications, I'm going to have to rely on the MOHE to apply to the universities I want. Here's to hoping that they don't screw up! The reason for this is that even if I decide to apply to a university on my own from the credited list up at Kuwait Culture, I have to tell them which university I'm applying to so they apply too. Which honestly, is ridiculous because I don't think any university accepts two applications from one student. And I'd really rather not take the risk and have a confusion (and thus, delay) in the whole process, so I might as well go with them. A friend of mine turned in the needed documents a month or so ago and already received his acceptance into the American University in D.C. So they can't be that bad.

Basically everything is done on my part but the personal statement, medical (which I shall sit through tomorrow morning) and getting my recent A Level grades credited by the British Council cause I might as well use them. I'm still a tad dodgy about the personal statement though. I wrote along to Earlham's description of what they want in a personal statement, and I'm content with it, but I'm afraid summer drained any ounce of creative and intellectual muse I had in me within the school year. I guess that is what happens when you go from writing a mix of history/literature/geography essays every day to nothing for months. I'd post my statement here and ask for your opinions, but I'm afraid it'll be run through some processor for plagiarism and be caught. Any thoughts on this?


Anonymous said...

It's a personal statement. You probably want to make it personal. I sure wouldn't post it here. :-)

Good luck, and God willing, you will get the school you really want.

sp4rkster said...

Intlxpatr: Haha valid point, but mine differs from the norm otherwise I wouldn't of brought it up. It's more about peace and justice in the world (Iraq, Georgia/Russian conflict) and my intake on them rather than 'i did x and y in life and you probably know my weaknesses now to use it against me'. Haha, I clearly have a problem with opening up, but I was able to in a way that focused the essay around me, yet not be literally about me. Here's to hoping that's enough for them- it does after all fit their description of what they want in a statement.

Thank you :)